The Bone Collector 1999 Full Movie Bluray Stream

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  • Title: The Bone Collector
  • Year: 1999
  • Duration: 1h 58m
  • Rating: 6.7
  • Genres: Drama, Crime, Mystery
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Summary The Bone Collector 1999

A quadriplegic ex-homicide detective and his partner try to track down a serial killer who is terrorizing New York City.

Quadripeligic ex-cop Lincoln Rhyme was looking forward to his assisted suicide when he got the news: some sicko was abducting people in a taxi and leaving them to die in particularly sadistic ways. With time counting down between each abduction and possible death, Rhyme recruits rather-unwilling Amelia Donaghy, haunted by her cop father's suicide and thinking she's next, into working the crime scenes to track down the killer.

A New York City forensics expert is after a accident at a crime scene left as a bed-bound quadriplegic. With not much left to live for, he decides to opt for euthanasia, but his plans are soon cut short after he and a newly recruited patrol officer gets entangled in a case involving a deranged serial killer, who leaves clues for the police at his murder sites.

After an accident in a tunnel, a forensics expert is left as a quadriplegic who is able only to move his head and one finger. Setting his finger to a computer, he is able to manipulate his environment with the help of a loving nurse. Even so, fearing seizures that could leave him a vegetable, he plans his "transition" with the help of a hesitational doctor friend. That all changes when he is confronted with clues from a serial killer that obviously are pointed to forensics investigation. The case clearly re-invokes his interest in life. A sharp, young cop's quick thinking saves the first crime scene. Recognizing her talent for forensics, he brings her unwillingly into forensics detection. Through radio contact, she becomes his eyes and legs on the scene. Michael Rooker also appears as the police captain, who has bungled earlier killings by the serial killer and is more interested in the press than in good police work. Ed O'Neill and Luis Guzman are support staff who aid Washington and run interference with Rooker.

Synopsis The Bone Collector 1999

In New York City, On Friday 5 November 1999 at 11:53 pm or 23:53 New York City Time, The film begin and opens with opening credits appear over newspaper articles and photos detailing the successful career of forensic expert Lincoln Rhyme (Denzel Washington). One story details Rhyme's involvement in convicting a cop. Rhyme is investigating a transit cop's death in a sewer tunnel when a falling concrete beam crushed crashed destroyed collapsed kill.

On Saturday 6 November 1999 at 5:59 am or 5:59 New York City Time, He wakes up in a hospital bed, a quadriplegic. On honeymoon, husband and wife Alan (Gary Swanson) and Lindsay Rubin (Olivia Birkelund) are at the curb at the international airport with American Airlines (shared with British Airways) early in the morning, looking for the person they expect to pick them up. When their ride doesn't show, they take a taxi. The cab driver kidnaps them to a desolate part of town.

At 8:00 am or 8:00 New York City Time, But before we learn more Rhyme wakes up in his apartment which is fully equipped to manage his medical care. Rhyme's medical tech Richard Thompson (Leland Orser) tells him his heart monitor is faulty. Dr. Barry Lehman (John Benjamin Hickey) arrives to talk about Rhyme's request for assisted suicide. He agrees to help Rhyme the next weekend. His nurse, Thelma (Queen Latifah), says "Good Morning", listens and watches.

A day later, on Sunday 7 November 1999 at 8:00 am or 8:00 New York City Time at breakfast, Amelia Donaghy (Los Angeles-born and raised Angelina Jolie) is brooding by the window of her apartment on English breakfast tea. She's a patrol cop and her boyfriend (Bobby Cannavale) pressures her to make a commitment to their relationship, but she refuses, saying "Good Morning" and watches The Weather Channel's New York City weather forecast situation which shows thunder storms and rain for the day. On the street, she responds to a radio call and finds the man from the cab buried in the rocks, with only his hand showing. One of his fingers is missing. On the nearby railroad tracks she sees a pile of sand, a note, and a bolt. She stops an oncoming train and ask Chris (Christian Veliz), the boy who reported the dead man, to buy her a disposable camera. She photographs everything including a footprint nearby on United States dollar one bill banknote Federal Reserve Note at Federal Reserve Bank of New York (Federal Reserve Building).

At 7:30 pm or 19:30 New York City Time, Storm leak flood rain Manhattan New York City at Empire State Building on Sunday Night Live in Nightlife his Weeknight, A masked man drags the kidnapped woman Mrs. Rubin, hand cuffed and gagged, through underground tunnels. He attaches the handcuffs to chain around a pipe and leaves her at Wall Street, Financial District, Midtown Manhattan.

Captain Howard Cheney (Michael Rooker) arrives at the crime scene and meets Detective Solomon (Mike McGlone), then is directed to Donaghy. She gives the evidence she collected and the camera to Detective Paulie Sellitto (Ed O'Neill). Cheney dresses her down for stopping the train.

Two day later, on Tuesday Morning, 9 November 1999 at 10:10 am or 10:10 New York City Time, Rhyme is visited by Sellitto and Solomon, who describe the crime scene to him. The victim's name is Alan Rubin, a wealthy New York City builder worth several million dollars. His wife's wedding band was forced onto one of his fingers, stripped of flesh. Rhyme believes it's a kidnapping and a ransom demand will be forthcoming. Rhyme has a seizure and passes out.

Screen fades to when he wakes up, he looks at the evidence and crime scene photos left behind by Sellitto on a large monitor. The note is a torn page from a book. The page number is 119. There's a newspaper clipping from 1913 with 4:00 pm or 16:00 New York City Time and a circled address 1515 Broadway, Times Square, Midtown Manhattan, Manhattan, New York City 10003, New York.

Donaghy is receiving an introduction to the youth services division that she has just transferred into. Rhyme has her pulled out of the training session and, when she arrives, he praises her excellent forensic work and photography. She says she read his book in the academy. He believes the book page number and time refers to the current day's date, three hours from now. Rhyme thinks the man's death scene is staged and that it indicates the woman will be killed at 4:00 pm or 16:00 New York City Time. He asks Donaghy to help on the case. She refuses, but her boss overrides her. The cops set up workstations and desks around Rhyme's spacious apartment.

In the tunnels, a masked man shaves a wooden stick and looks at a pocket watch. The kidnapped woman, Lindsay Rubin, her mouth covered in duct tape and her wrists handcuffed to the pipe, watches.

The investigators learn that the bullet taken from Alan Rubin was from an old Webley pistol. The bolt has three initial "NSG" embossed on it, and it's not steel, but iron, meaning it too is very old. They also look into the asbestos found at the crime scene. Rhyme tells Donaghy to identify all locations where asbestos is currently being remediated in Manhattan.

Crime technician Eddie Ortiz (Luis Guzman) arrives and sets up a portable forensics lab. Eddie finds a scrap of very old paper on the bolt. The sand appears to be ground up oyster shells. Rhyme remembers a police case from 1913 where a body was found in crushed oyster shells in downtown Manhattan, near the Woolworth building.

Rhyme asks Donaghy to investigate the area, encouraging her to trust her instincts. As they drive there, Sellitto tells Donaghy about Rhyme's superior expertise in forensics, his interest on collecting eclectic stuff, and examining it. She asks about his family, and Sellitto says he has cut off contact with his only sister.

Underground, the masked man loosens another bolt from a steam pipe. He rotates a very large pipe around so the opening faces Lindsay Rubin. Eddie tells Rhyme that the iron bolt was primarily used for assembling steam pipes . Rhyme tells Sellitto that there is a steam junction in downtown Manhattan where steam is released from the pipes everyday at 4:00 pm or 16:00 New York City Time. Rhyme tells Amelia to put on a radio headset and prepare to enter the steam tunnels to work the crime scene if Lindsay Rubin can't be rescued. Donaghy enters the sewer tunnels. The Department of Steam is unable to turn the apparently frozen valve. Donaghy can hear Lindsay Rubin, but a new wall of construction blocks cuts off access. The steam pipe workers break the steam valve, learning it has been tampered with and an explosion occurs. Lindsay Rubin is burned to death corpse.

An Emergency Services team blow an opening in the concrete block wall. Donaghy enters and describes the scene in detail to Rhyme over the radio. Donaghy is terribly upset when she sees Lindsay's burned corpse to death. She finds a piece of wood, hair clippings, and a bloody bone shard. Under Rhyme's direction, she tells Rhyme that Lindsay was bound with old-fashioned shackles, with a chain around her waist, and a rope around her feet. Lindsay has a surgical-style wound on her forearm. Rhyme wants her to saw off the hands to preserve the cuffs. Donaghy tries but then refuses and goes home. Rhyme researches Donaghy's background and learns that her father, a cop, committed suicide, and that Donaghy found the body. Detective Solomon goes to Donaghy's apartment, but when she doesn't answer the door, he tries her window. Donaghy arms herself and nearly shoots Solomon. He tells her that Rhyme believes the evidence she collected indicates there's another victim in play, and that Rhyme needs her help.

At 8:10 pm to 20:10 New York City Time, Outside from Manhattan New York City at Time Square to nightclub, a New York City University student of Canadian-born and New York City-raised (Danial Brochu) gets into a cab and disappears. A witness reports that she saw the cab driver hit the student before driving away.

On Wednesday 10 November 1999 at 5:30 am or 5:30 New York City Time, The taxi driver takes the bound and gagged student to an abandoned building. The masked man ties the student to a post at floor level and cuts him repeatedly.

Rhyme's team discovers the bone fragment is from bovine, from a cow, and discover more old newspaper embedded in it. The hair is from a rat, shaved. Donaghy suggests that the perpetrator might be a cop. Rhyme tells the team to look for the location of old stockyards and slaughterhouses.

Rhyme sends a team to one of the old slaughterhouses, decommissioned in 1898. Donaghy goes in first and finds the dead student. He has been eaten by rats attracted to the numerous bleeding incisions. Donaghy describes the scene to Rhyme, while the team outside tries to delay the NYC ESU unit, led by an official in contact with Cheney, from contaminating the area. The student is missing a chunk of flesh from his leg. Donaghy finds a matchbox and a piece of old paper. Cheney removes Rhyme from the case, but Rhyme tells Ortiz to continue his research.

Captain Cheney's team finds a finger print and match it to a taxi driver with a criminal record. They raid his repair shop only to find him dead under a vehicle and missing a finger. Cheney demands Donaghy turn over the evidence she collected, but she demands a chain of evidence receipt, which Cheney refuses to provide.

On Thursday 11 November 1999 at 10:00 am to 10:00 New York City Time, Donaghy takes the evidence to Rhyme. Ortiz produces records of old unsolved homicides that include evidence of missing flesh. Each homicide also had a message buried in the evidence, but no one noticed. Rhyme has another seizure and passes out. Thelma tells Donaghy about Rhyme's request for assisted suicide, and while Donaghy waits for Rhyme to wake up, she looks at his badge, awards and photos. Cheney tries to see Rhyme, but Thelma refuses to allow him to enter, and Cheney vows to come back with a warrant.

At 6:30 pm or 18:30 New York City Time, On Evening until nightlife, A grandfather and his granddaughter get into a taxi at the airport. A taxi inspector stops the taxi and questions the taxi driver about why his flag is down. The driver kills him and speeds away. The little girl screams. Sellitto calls Rhyme to report the taxi incident, while Rhyme examines the paper clippings, uncovering a logo from an old book publisher.

At 7:30 pm or 19:30 New York City Time, On Thursday Night Live, Amelia goes to a bookstore and finds a book called, The Bone Collector, which contains stories describing the murders already committed. One of the final chapters illustrates a man and girl hanging from a rope over water. Rhyme thinks the odd smell from the paper is diesel, and he remembers an old diesel refueling station on Staten Island. Amelia searches for and finds them tied to a pier, drowning under the rising tide. Rescue crews are unable to resuscitate the grandfather, but the little girl survives.

Donaghy looks for clues and finds a map, a bone, and a piece of metal that looks like a cop's badge. The map shows an old subway map, and Rhyme thinks the killer is at the southernmost station. Cheney arrives and Amelia sneaks off to the station described by Rhyme. There are footprints in the abandoned station, and she finds a train numbered 78499. She tries to remember the number, and realizes it's the same as Rhyme's police badge number that she saw earlier at his apartment.

A man knocks at Rhyme's apartment door and when Thelma opens the door, he stabs and kills her. Someone enters the apartment and washes their hands. Richard Thompson, the medical technician who has been maintaining Rhyme's medical equipment, appears. He says Thelma is in the hall, but when the phone rings, he yanks the phone line and disconnects the power to Rhyme's monitor turn off. Thompson reminds Rhyme of a forensics cop in Syracuse, New York, named Marcus Andrews who was suspected of doctoring evidence to obtain false murder convictions. Rhyme's expert testimony put him in jail for six years. Thompson / Andrews tells Rhymes that as a cop he was brutalized every day while in prison. When Thompson / Marcus tries to lower the bed, Rhyme uses his mouth control to suddenly lower the bed and crush Thomson / Marcus's right hand by suddenly dropping his bed horizontally. Thompson / Marcus pulls his hand out, but his fingers are mangled. Thompson / Marcus pulls Rhyme with him and they both collapse to the floor. Rhyme then manages to bite Thompson / Marcus in the neck throat, causing massive bleeding. Thompson / Marcus once again manages to free himself, grabbing his carving knife. As Thompson / Marcus raises the knife for a killing blow, Donaghy suddenly arrives at the apartment and shoots gunfire phoenix explosion pistol Thompson / Marcus who falls down death kill corpse burial blood.

Screen fades to the movie ends, movie closes, film ends to film closes with a sixty-five days later, on the nightlife of Christmas Day at 8:39 pm or 20:39 New York City Time, Rhyme has a new apartment, no longer suicidal or zero percent of suicide, a hundred percent of fine of fully healthy to life and normal, and is using a motorized wheelchair spending time with all his friends, families and colleagues when he faces his sister and niece coming to visit living with Donaghy. Donaghy and Rhymes have apparently started a relationship with Donaghy saying "Merry Christmas Lincoln", while holding his hand tenderly. The closing credits begin to roll with "Merry Christmas" and the closing song 1986 version of "Don't Give Up" by Peter Gabriel and Kate Bush plays, followed by an instrumental of "Amelia Love Theme" by The London Session Orchestra, with the Rhyme apartment zoomed out to a Manhattan, New York City overview nightlife until screen fades to black.
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